Books & Materials

Resources for the journey

The books and materials used in the LEAD program are chosen to do two primary things…

  1. Help create an environment where the Holy Spirit can transform you.
  2. Provide you will tools to aid others in being transformed by the Holy Spirit.

All of the materials produced by The LEAD Program are designed to be used in the equipping of others for works of ministry. All the resources used in The LEAD Program are carefully chosen so that our leaders can use them for the equipping of others.

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The Cure

This book has been dynamic in the lives of our leaders for over a decade. John Lynch, Bruce McNicol, and Bill Thrall have written an intelligent book that helps leaders raise their view of both God and themselves.


Systematic Theology

Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology has been an excellent resource for LEAD students trying to embrace deep theological concepts. Dr. Grudem’s style makes complex concepts more accessible as he illuminates various theological nuances based on theological history and theological distinctiveness.


The Preacher

Justin Thornton has written an excellent book on preaching/teaching in the modern age. Preaching isn’t what it used to be. Justin helps communicators of God’s Word prepare themselves and the message that God has for their listeners. Rev. Thornton’s book is being used in seminaries in the United States. The Preacher will transform how you prepare yourself and deliver God’s message.


Church Unique

Will Mancini’s book Church Unique will help you remember the uniqueness of your church ministry in your context. Your local church is positioned to make a lasting impact in your community, and Will wants you to celebrate that goodness, not simply import another church’s vision for their context. Church Unique helps you articulate God’s vision for your church and shows you how to bring that God-given vision to life.


Basic Guide to Escatology

Millard Erickson is an eschatological scholar. His insights have guided many people who want to better understand Biblical end-time events.


Missionary Messages

This book is a collection of sermons preached by Dr. A.B. Simpson. These sermons ignited a missionary-sending movement in North America. As you read, you will be inspired to extend Christ’s love to the “unreached masses.”


A Spirituality of Fundraising

“Fundraising is, first and foremost, a ministry,” writes the best-selling author and renowned spiritual teacher Henri Nouwen. “It’s a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission.”



“God’s ultimate design for the church is simply for every member of Christ’s church to live the gospel in whatever places God calls us, thus saturating every home, workplace, community, city, and nation with the gospel message through the people of God.”


The Gospel of Healing

“A.B. Simpson was the founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. A Canadian preacher, Simpson authored 101 books and countless hymns, periodicals, booklets, articles, and curriculum’s over his lifetime. He inspired people of all denominations towards spreading the gospel in all lands. The Gospel of Healing is one of his most well known works.”


Members of One Another

“How each of 7 key New Testament metaphors for the church contributes its own unique insight into church health How the dozens of “one-another” passages in the New Testament require a radical view of church life, quite at odds with many modern assumptions The Lord will encourage you that New Testament church is possible”

Raising Up Leaders

From the Harvest, For the Harvest

In 2013 Clint Bieri & Josh Franks heard from Jesus that the way to change the world was to raise up the next generation of ministry leaders and do it in a way that was affordable, accessible, and approved. More men and women who are equipped as ministry leaders is what will bring hope to a world which is in desperate need. Jesus told us to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He would raise up more workers. They began praying and Jesus invited them to equip those that he was raising up. We believe each of our students is an answer to this Luke 10:2 prayer request.

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It is my hope and prayer that more young men and women would step into the story God has written for them in their lives.

Rev. Malcolm MeLoughlinGraduate / Ordained Alliance Worker

The LEAD Program is a two-year development journey that equips men and women for ministry leadership.

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